University Police Department
Sexual Harassment Policy
Page Content
The University of Southern Mississippi prohibits sexual harassment in any form, including
sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking
and intimate partner violence. The university’s Sexual Harassment Policy sets forth
the resources
available to students and employees and describes prohibited conduct. Sexual harassment
is a form of sex discrimination and is inconsistent with the standards and ideas of
our community. The university is committed to ensure a safe and non-discriminatory academic,
work and living environment and to meet state and federal requirements under Title
IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
and relevant sections of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.
The University of Southern Mississippi is committed to fostering and maintaining a
community environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person,
regardless of sex, race, religion, national origin, age, gender or gender identity,
sexual orientation, disability or veteran status. All members of the University community
share a responsibility to create and maintain an academic and work environment which
promotes the respect, safety and dignity of each person. The University prohibits
sex and gender discrimination and sexual harassment in any form. This includes sexual
harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking or intimate partner violence.
Criminal, civil and University disciplinary processes may be available to any University
member with a complaint and enforced against a person found to have
engaged in the prohibited behavior. The University is committed to fair and prompt
procedures to investigate reports of sexual harassment. Special emphasis is placed
on the rights, needs and privacy of the person filing a complaint, as well as the
due process rights of the accused. The University remains committed in preventing
and addressing all forms of sexual harassment through education, training, clear policies
and procedures, and disciplinary
consequences for University violations.
The full Sexual Harassment Policy (Policy Stat ID 8460572) and the full procedures for the Resolution of Allegations of Sexual Harassment can be found at the following link:
For more information or to report sex or gender discrimination and sexual misconduct, contact the Title IX Office using the information listed below:
Title IX Coordinator
Cristin Reynolds, Ph.D.
Hattiesburg Campus
118 College Drive # 5079
Hattiesburg, MS 39406
Telephone: 601.266.6805 Email:
A Title IX representative is also available to consult with coastal students and employees on the Gulf Park campus at the following address:
Hardy Hall 332
730 Beach Blvd E,
Long Beach, MS 39560
Phone: 601.266.6804
For all other civil rights complaints, please consult with the Office of Affirmative Action/EEO (